Healthy Living TV Series
The Healthy Living Video Series TV collection
The Healthy Living TV Series, originally released in 2000, has been completely revised and updated to reflect current research and wisdom in mind-body wellness.
Each episode contains new, original footage of interviews with medical and professional experts – and expanded information on each topic. This newly revised series containing timeless information is scheduled for re-release on PBS (Public Television) and other networks nationwide and will drive consumer interest in the Healthy Living DVD collection.
At the height of the show viewers were sending us at an average of 250,000 emails per week and we had over 500,000 unique visits per month to our website.

Meditation as an Art Form
Jon Kabat-Zinn, Ph.D.
Jordan Fieldman, M.D.
Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn founded a center for mindfulness in Wooster, Mass and has written several books on meditation.

The Power of Prayer
Elizabeth Prophet - The Summit Lighthouse
Dannion Brinkley - Author
Neroli Duffy, M.D.
This segment investigated the power of prayer.

Stress Management
Lori Leyden-Rubenstien, Ph.D., M.B.A.
Lori explains the steps to her stress-relieving plan and demonstrates different stress relieving exercises.

Chronic Pain Relief
Michael Loes, M.D.
William Wong, N.D., Ph.D.
During this segment we cover many aspects of pain and how pain can be relieved with natural techniques.

About the Series
- Jane Seymour Bio
- Jane
- Contact Us for Advertising
- Series Management
- Expert Viewpoint: Dr. Barry Sears
“All episodes provide a wealth of information on options for alternative medicine, treatment and lifestyle.”