Timeless Information for Modern Society
Healthy Living with Jane Seymour
is an original 14-part episodic television series and DVD-Video collection with a focus on lifestyle.
Originally produced for PBS, Healthy Living blends expertise in medicine, journalism, and natural health care options to bring viewers the best information possible.
The series aired on more than 100 stations throughout the United States, reaching more than 90 million households. In Canada the series reached over 16 million households.

What We Have
- The broadcast rights to the 13 episodic television series titled, Healthy Living with Jane Seymour
- The home video / DVD rights of Healthy Living,
- The web site www.healthyliving4u.com
- The website www.healthylivingzone.com
- The rights on all field and source footage and
- All rights on 70+ interviews with renown doctors and health experts
- Names of past video buyers (all genres)
- The website www.janeseymour.biz for sponsors and conduction of biz to biz endeavors.

About the Series
“All episodes provide a wealth of information on options for alternative medicine, treatment and lifestyle.”