Welcome to Our Sponsorship Program
Healthy Living offers the opportunity to become a sponsor
Originally produced for PBS, Healthy Living blends expertise in medicine, journalism, and natural health care options to bring viewers the best information possible.
The series aired on more than 100 stations throughout the United States, reaching more than 90 million households. In Canada the series reached over 16 million households.
At the height of the show viewers were sending us at an average of 250,000 emails a month. Please please email sponsorships@healthylivingzone.com for more details on pricing levels.

“Presented by”… on cover of DVD’s and video message at the beginning of the DVD’s using art cards and voice over. Historical piece on your company, optional on cameral with company CEO or spokes person (travel extra)Video segments delivering your distinct message, uniquely designed around your company’s products and service, in coordination with your marketing goals, incorporated into the body of each of the 13 DVD’s.
- 13 Interstitials with a company Expert or representative (Such as Ask The Dr)
- Option to put inserts into the DVD packaging (insert to be provided by Sponsor)
- 250 complimentary copies of DVD’s

ABCs of Vitamins
52 Three to five minute segments, four in each DVD.
We will work with your company experts to create the perfect mixture of entertainment and education that viewer’s will enjoy time and time again.

Daily Dose
Daily Doses are topic specific to a DVD. These are 30 to 60 second commentaries from your company’s spokesperson or a professional voice artist and placed throughout the DVD of your choice. The number of “Doses” is usually no more than 10 in up to 90 minutes of programming.
Each DVD will have its own corresponding web page, topic specific where your companies Daily Doses will be featured for one year. There will be a 15 second opening tag and closing tag crediting your company as sponsor. Multi “Dose” discounts are available for Sponsoring more than one DVD topic.

Jane's Prescription
Audio recordings by Jane Seymour. These timeless pieces of information are primarily historical in nature, such as a short piece about the origins of Homeopathy and Hippoacrates. Your company will benefit from the Star power with just a small investment.

About the Series
- Jane Seymour Bio
- Jane Seymour.com
- Contact Us for Advertising
- Series Management
- Expert Viewpoint: Dr. Barry Sears
“All episodes provide a wealth of information on options for alternative medicine, treatment and lifestyle.”